EQ SeriousFolly

$12 (free shipping)  

NHIC Records

New Haven Advocate
New Haven Advocate
The New York
New Haven Register
OneSheet pdf
Group Photo
Jeff Cedrone - Guitar,  Paul McGuire -  Saxophones,
 Steve Zieminski - Electronic Mallet Percussion
  Bob Gorry - Guitar,  Adam Matlock - Accordion, Clarinet

Avant Electro Chamber Minimalism

Serious Folly is the new CD from the Erasmus Quintet.  EQ focuses on eternal rhythms, interlocking, searching for the everalsting one.  Electrovibes  provide the backbone to the group with complementary and sometimes jagged guitars mixing it up with saxophones and accordion.  A unique blend of instrumentation, conceptual underpinnings, and intuitive rhythms along with a healthy dose of fun.

The Erasmus Quintet wound its way out of the ever-expanding New Haven Improvisers Collective.

NHIC is a far-reaching collective of creative musicians forming into a particular group to play particular music in a particular moment.  

NHIC is interaction, conflict, and harmony


track info
A few notices about EQ and NHIC

It felt as if snake charmers were working their magic on the audience.  Guitar and accordion have never sounded this good.
  - The Yale Daily News

Delightful, trailblazing, especially persuasive collective melody weaving.
  - Gapplegate

Inspired collective intelligence
  - Cadence Magazine

Artsy modern-musical fun.
  - Craig Matsumoto, KZSU, Stanford California

NHIC paints in a sonic form of Cubism that, through invention, fragmentation and rearrangement of form, simultaneously depicts many surprising, even revelatory facets of a piece as it unfolds in real time.
  - Owen McNally, The Hartford Courant

Very, very nice music.
   - Gérard Viols Radiojazz 34, France
The New Haven Improvisers Collective is a catalytic force in New Haven's burgeoning music scene  
  - Owen McNally, The Hartford Courant